
Ueda Tatsuya from UK Day 2

2nd Day
This was the day for shooting in London’s city. Getting into the bus quickly, “First, let’s go to the Globe!” Ueda with loads of energy said chirpily to members of the staff. “This feels like an excursion, I am so excited!”, Ueda said, looking high at the same time. Flipping through the notes, asking the guide questions about Shakespeare’s work, Ueda looked very enthusiastic about learning.
30 minutes later, we arrived at Shakespeare’s Globe located at Bankside Southwark. Actually the building had been destroyed in a fire in 1613, this building was recreated to resemble that of the original one. Having a thatched roof, the Globe certainly had a deep classical feel. Entering the building, models that were used during plays during that era, costumes worn, props used were all displayed. Ueda went through every single of them carefully. As Ueda viewed a diagram showing the entire view of the Globe, Ueda said “Tokyo Globe, just like this Globe, is somewhat shaped like a circle, the audience would be able to take in the atmosphere of the stage. They really took the effort to make it seem like the original work” Ueda seemed really impressed. Thereafter, we proceeded to enter the Globe, there was no ceiling at the top of the 1st level seats, it really felt like a courtyard. “This is where the poor people could sit and watch plays for a low price. Conversely, the royalty as well as people of high societal status sat on the 2nd and 3rd floors.” As Ueda listened to the explanation “Its unbelievable that the seats closer to the stage are cheaper!” he exclaimed sounding shocked. Furthermore, the royalty if granted permission will get to sit on the balcony seats located behind the stage. “So the kings watched the play from here..I can feel the weight of history” Ueda said fondly. “Shakespeare is really great for having written so many works loved by people all around the world” Ueda commented.
“So how does it feel like to be acting in a play written by such a great man?”
Ueda: “It feels really great. To be able to experience such a great opportunity, I really feel very grateful for this. At the same time, I am starting to feel the extent of this”
For sightseeing, it was at the Big Ben first where shots were taken in the stately grandeur surroundings followed by Westminster Abbey which is one of the world’s inherited treasures. This is a church where the ceremony for the crowning of the king of England took place; where many of the famous were buried; where many memorial plaques were erected. One of them belonged to David Garrick, a rich man, who was once the patron to Shakespeare.
“It is of great thanks to this guy that Shakespeare’s works to be spread worldwide..”Ueda said as he stared at the memorial earnestly.
“I am really glad to be here to be able to read and take in things related to Shakespeare. To see this with my own eyes with a first hand experience, I have gained a lot” Ueda commented as his eyes shone.
Next was shooting in Covent Garden. This was where you could find fashion, shopping, restaurants all lined up against one another, a really lively street. The walls of the building were purple, pink, colours that you would rarely see in daily.
“This feels like a movie set, its so cute!” Ueda was shocked.
Next by foot, they moved on to Trafalgar Square. This was where Napoleon led Britian to victory of the Napoleonic Wars. As Ueda looked up at the statue of Horatio Nelson, “So you mean he actually killed people? I kind of like Napoleon but oh well for today I shall be a fan of Nelson.”
And so they wrapped up the day’s filming and proceeded to watch a musical. That day, Ueda watched “ Billy Elliot the Musical” held at Victoria Palace Theatre. In Japan, the movie was released as a DVD called Little Dancer and Ueda had actually watched it before.
“Since the lines of the musical are in English, in order to enjoy the musical to the fullest without any regrets, I decided to watch the DVD first to check the story!”
This story talks about a boy who an awakening to ballet, who received a lot of support from his surroundings to develop his potential and realise his dreams. The main lead was a 13 year old boy who managed to danced ballet, tap and flew magnificently, it was indeed impressive!
Ueda who looked visibly aroused after the show “Tomorrow, I feel like performing Romeo and Juliet! The musical was really enjoyable and I managed to learn a lot too!” Ueda seemed really excited. After which, the schedule for the day ended.
When enquired about how he felt about the day, Ueda: “Today, I fell in love with London! Its really great, the atmosphere on the streets, the food is really delicious too! Visiting various places related to Shakespeare, that was really great too! Tomorrow we will be visiting the town where Shakespeare was born, I want to know more about this guy!”

2nd day
这一天是伦敦市内的摄影。一早就上了外景巴士。“让我们先去The Globe吧!”元气满满的跟staff说话的上田君。“好像去郊游一样的呢〜”热情高涨的样子。阅览着相关资料,向导游询问关于莎士比亚的作品的问题,让我们看到了他努力学习的样子。

在作为观光名胜的大笨钟周边韵味浓厚的景色里拍完照,然后就来到了世界遗产的Westminster教堂,英国国王的加冕仪式都会在这个教堂里举行,并且有很多名人被埋葬在这里建了纪念碑。其中有一位就是莎士比亚的赞助者,叫做David Garrick的大富豪。听说因为有了这个人的赞助莎士比亚才可以扬名世界,上田认真的瞻仰了他的纪念碑,“在这里也能看到有关莎士比亚的东西真是开心。自己亲眼看到才感同身受的到”眼睛闪闪发亮的样子也让人难忘。

下面是去Covent Garden拍摄。这里有很多时尚的店铺和餐厅,非常有活力的地方。建筑的墙壁也有很多紫色或者粉红色之类日本很少看到的颜色。上田惊叹的说“好像是电影的布景一样好可爱啊”。然后徒步前往TRAFALGAR广场。这里有英国和法国拿破仑军队当年海战时侯指挥英国军队获得胜利的Horario Nelson提督的纪念碑。“这个人战胜了拿破仑?其实我还满喜欢拿破仑的耶⋯⋯那,从今天开始我去做Nelson提督的fan吧~”(笑)

一天的摄影也平安结束,晚上去观看音乐剧。今天上田去观看的是在Victoria Palace Theater上演的〈BILLY ELLIOT THE MUSICAL〉这部作品。其实在日本这部作品的电影版有上映过并且发行了DVD,名字叫做〈Little Dancer〉,上田君之前已经看过DVD了。“舞台的台词是英语吧。所以听不懂内容会很郁闷的,所以先看了DVD了解了故事情节才来的!”这个故事是说,某个少年发掘了自己作为芭蕾舞演员的才能,在周围人的帮助下终于让这个才能开花结果。主角是13岁的少年,华丽的芭蕾,舞蹈和飞天,还有唱歌,真的是很强很感人!上田也在看完之后受到了相当的刺激,“明天就想开始演Romeo&Juliet的本番了呢(笑)。真的就是这么热情高涨,学了很多东西!”在这样的大兴奋中,今天一天的行程终于结束了。被问到今天的感想,“今天让我变的好喜欢伦敦!不管是街上的气氛还是美味的食物,都很赞!能去到和莎士比亚有段的地方很开心。明天去莎士比亚出生的地方,想要更深刻的了解人物背后的性格!”上田如此开心的说到。

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